Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What if I choose to...

What if I choose to believe truths over lies?
What if I choose to really live life the way He intended for me to?
What if I choose to look up instead of inside?
What if I choose to run to Him instead of anything else?
What if I choose to actually follow Him?
What if I choose to write all that I thought He was speaking to me?
What if I choose to allow Him enough room in my schedule to move?
What if I choose to memorize scripture and walked it out daily?
What if I choose to be a light every single place I went?
What if I choose to let people in really down deep- and my people I mean brothers.
What if I choose to receive the advice that my community and mentors were speaking over me?
What if I choose to let Him be my everything?

Today I choose these things- I choose to allow Him to be all I want or need.
I will have to make this decision minute by minute, day by day- but I get to choose- so I am choosing right now to let him dwell and move- in and around me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It has been far too long...

I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged.

Here I am reflecting on life once again.

What is next?
How do I encourage?
Who am I supposed to reach to?
Am I supposed to blog?
How do I become this event/wedding planner I want to be?

Can anyone help me??

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A time to sit

I have found I have so so many dreams, and the thing is I know I can accomplish all of them. From working for the president to making a quilt. I know I can do all these things. I guess the problem at the moment is I don't know where to begin. I am not sure of the "chores" God has ahead of me. I need a job, I need an opportunity to make a difference. I need to stop sitting idly by and jump into my life. But isnt there something also to be said about sitting and waiting on the Lord. Well I am sure trying to.

I just want to do so much. I want to be able to inspire to create and to help other people accomplish their dreams. I want so many things, I just dont know which one to start with.

Do you believe you can change things? Do you believe that all things are possible?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Who am I?

I think all to often I look at myself and see all that I have not accomplished instead of all that I have. I have made excuses for myself and for not truly reaching for my goals.

I want to make a difference in every life me, yet how do I accomplish that? What is it I can do that touches people and makes them feel important? How can I make this world a better place?

I have yet to answer these questions, and I believe that to be why I am stuck. I want to see myself as others see me and sometimes I do. I just need and want to know what I my purpose is. I know faith wise, and I know He is faithful and he will answer, but in the here and now, what is the plan for Brittany Cornett's life?

Friday, October 30, 2009

A time to reflect

It has been quite sometime since I have written, and I mean really written. About hopes, dreams passions, questions and I have been feeling that separation; from myself. I am two people the happy lets change the world girl to the one who sits by sometimes and questions her every move. I no longer want to look at my life from the outside. I want to be in my life. Living everyday to be who I want to be. And maybe just maybe I don't know who that is yet. Maybe just maybe I am still figuring that out, and thats okay. Its okay to not have every second of my life planned. To not know my career, if I will ever fall in love, if I should go to school. Its okay to live day by day. For me its living each day knowing there is a purpose in that day. Knowing that for me God has a purpose and just by getting up and walking in this world I am making a difference. I want to be happy with who I am here and now. With how much I give and how much I dream. I am getting there, slowly but surly I am proud of myself. I am excited to start finding me again. I hope some of you come along for the ride:)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I care.

I recently embarked on a goal to write and encouraging thought for the day, the sometimes being the week, but none the less to allow others to see in themselves their worth. Honestly to show them they can do anything. Here are a few...
Encouraging thought for the day... There is good in this world. I know sometimes its hard to see and some times we may not even want to look for the good, but its there. It is in the man singing love songs, the high schooler following their passion, in the smile of a friend, it is right in front of us. No matter where you are in life I promise its there. May your goal today be to find it. Tell me where you see it. :)

Encouraging thought for the day... You are amazing. I hope you have been told that recently because you are and you deserve to know. You affect lives around you every day, you bring joy into people's lives, you even make people believe in themse...lves. Wow you are so cool. I am glad to be your friend. Keep shining because you really are so wonderful. Don't forget how amazing you are.

Encouraging thought for the day... You've got this. You my friend are capable of anything. Far too often we listen to the bad things you can't this you can't that. So lets change our thinking and know that we can. You can change the world, you can impact people's lives, you can follow your dreams. I believe in you. You've got this.

Encouraging thought for the day... I care about you. Its true I do. I would do just about anything to make you realize this as well. I want you to know that I am here rooting you on. Make sure that as you go through your day know that no matter what I care and I am always here for you.

Encouraging thought for the day...I miss you. Whether I saw you 5 minutes ago, 5 days, weeks, years, I miss you. You have had an impact in my life. Even if you think you have not your presence simply has made me who I am. Know that you do that with everyone you come in contact with. Cherish that and make the best of every second spent with someone. I have missed you. Lets talk, see each other, anything:)

Encouraging thought for the day... I love you. Whether you are my best friend, someone I hang out with or someone I have only sort of met. I love you. You are amazing, wonderful and you have so much to give. I care about you so much and would do so much for you. So be confident today that you my friend are loved. Even if you feel that no one cares, that you are unlovable, push those feelings away and know that I do.

Encouraging thought for the day... I believe in you. I believe you are capable of anything and everything you set your mind to. I also believe you are amazing and gifted and I can't wait to see where you take yourself. Please keep me updated:) Go catch those dreams and know I am behind you cheering you on.

Encouraging thought for the day... Your smile brightens my world. A smile can impact more people than you can understand. So today smile. For they are contagious.

Encouraging thought for the day... You have all it takes to change the world. You have every quality to make a difference in peoples lives. Continue to believe that even when you feel you cant go on. You've got this and I am cheering you on.

Encouraging thought for the day... You are beautiful. You shine onto me more than any of you can know that you do. You inspire the people around you to speak up, to compliment, to volunteer, to lead, but most importantly to be themselves. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


What if we were all passionate about something positive? What if we acted on those passions? What if we all impacted the world? What if we truly changed the world?

This week at my church we are fasting and praying for a revial of Portland. It has been amazing to be around a group of people who are so passionate about God, about changing the way this city thinks about our creator. I have felt privialged to be able to pray for change and pray for a flood of believers in Portland.

Lets all find a passion. What is yours?