Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What if I choose to...

What if I choose to believe truths over lies?
What if I choose to really live life the way He intended for me to?
What if I choose to look up instead of inside?
What if I choose to run to Him instead of anything else?
What if I choose to actually follow Him?
What if I choose to write all that I thought He was speaking to me?
What if I choose to allow Him enough room in my schedule to move?
What if I choose to memorize scripture and walked it out daily?
What if I choose to be a light every single place I went?
What if I choose to let people in really down deep- and my people I mean brothers.
What if I choose to receive the advice that my community and mentors were speaking over me?
What if I choose to let Him be my everything?

Today I choose these things- I choose to allow Him to be all I want or need.
I will have to make this decision minute by minute, day by day- but I get to choose- so I am choosing right now to let him dwell and move- in and around me.